The Inception of WordPress for Windows Mobile

I’ve had a smartphone with Windows Mobile for awhile now with the intention to make it as my new development platform. Well, today is the day. I shall begin the process of developing WordPress for Windows Mobile. (I still have to figure out a more original name.)

I installed moBlog on my Samsung Omnia to get a feel of my contender. The application works–good enough to be used, but I could see many ways to improve it. Let the work begin!

A Joint Venture with “Role Manager”

The following will be likely the last feature incorporated to Custom Write Panel before the plugin enters beta phase.

In WordPress, a user could be assigned a role and, accordingly, that user will or will not have the capability to write a new Post.

With this upcoming new feature, a custom write panel could be accessible to certain roles only. For example, a custom write panel “Music Review” is created and a role “Music Review Writer” is invented. This custom write panel could be set to be visible to this new role only.

To accomplish this, another plugin needs to be installed in conjunction with Custom Write Panel, and that plugin would be “Role Manager.” Custom Write Panel will be responsible for creating a new capability as a custom write panel is created. Role Manager will allow adding that capability to an existing or a new role.

Custom Write Panel

Custom Write Panel is another WordPress plugin in the work. It is a plugin that will allow users to create custom write panels, alongside the existing Write Post and Write Page panels.

This custom write panels will appear under the Write panel, as Write Book Review, Write Aside, or Write [fill in the blank]. When a user chooses to write post under, say, Write Book Review, the write screen will be pre-set with the assigned category (Book Review). It will display certain set of custom fields (Book Title, Author, ISBN, etc).

Screenshot coming soon. Follow updates in Custom Write Panel section. For those of you who’ve been using Custom Field GUI, get ready to ditch that plugin.